Basic User (Billed Monthly)
*Price indicated above per month.
12 Months Contract Package (Billed Monthly) Includes:
Collaborate seamlessly on Microsoft applications, share and store data on an encrypted cloud platform.
1 Basic User
Versioning (Restore and recover previous versions of office docs)
Collaboration (Work concurrently on one file)
Online versions of Office applications (Word, PPT, Excel, Outlook)
Terms & Conditions:
1) Contract will be auto-renewed unless termination request is received 1 mth before end of contract. Any cancellation during the contract period will be charged.
2) The deduction will be done via existing payment method automatically for the subsequent months.
3) This product and promo pricing of $33/mth is only valid as an bundled add-on with business continuity solutions, or unless otherwise stated.
4) Pro-Minds reserves the right to reject any order that does not meet the conditions of the above clauses.